Pedi CardioRef
Reference: ACC/AHA Sports Participation Recommendations (Circulation 2015) Task Force 9: Arrhythmias and Conduction Defects

participate in organized sports?

Should my patient with Congenital High-Grade or Complete AV Block participate in organized sports?

Congenital High-Grade or Complete AV Block

Need to know:

Asymptomatic, junctional escape QRS < 120, resting ventricular rate > 40 bpm that augments, good exercise capacity

"Asymptomatic athletes without heart disease who have a junctional escape rhythm that has a QRS duration < 120 ms, resting ventricular rates >40 bpm that increase appropriately with exertion, and exercise capacity that approximates that of the relevant sport can participate in athletic activity without restriction."

No restrictions if conditions met

(Class I Recommendation; Level of Evidence C)

Symptomatic, resting ventricular rate < 40 bpm, ventricular escape QRS >120

"Athletes with symptomatic heart block, resting ventricular rates < 40 bpm, or ventricular escape rhythm with a QRS width >120 ms should have a pacemaker implanted before they participate in competitive sports.

Before athletes are allowed to resume sports, an exercise test should be conducted to ensure patient safety and that the exercise capacity of the athlete is similar to that required for the relevant sport."

Should have pacemaker

If has pacemaker, and exercise test results favorable, can resume sports

(Class I Recommendation; Level of Evidence C)

Structural heart disease

"Athletes with structural heart disease and congenital complete heart block should be restricted from, or allowed to participate in, competitive athletics based on the recommendations for the type of structural heart disease with or without a permanent pacemaker."

Based on structural heart disease

(Class I Recommendation; Level of Evidence C)

Reference: Eligibility and Disqualification Recommendations for Competitive Athletes With Cardiovascular Abnormalities: Task Force 9: Arrhythmias and Conduction Defects. A Scientific Statement From the AHA and ACC. Circulation 2015

Disclaimer: This website is derived from published guidelines, but does not constitute medical advice nor does it replace clinical judgement. Only the text in quotation marks are direct quotations from the original guidelines. Text not in quotations as well as the method of information display are all that of the website creator and are not part of the original published guidelines. Please consult a physician to discuss any patient-specific matters.

Key: AV = atrioventricular